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We Did Not Want to Lose Our Home

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin at 8:30 pm on Thursday, October 15, 2015

Times are tough all over. While the rich keep getting richer, it seems that the poor are continuing to lose everything they have worked their entire lives to have. When my husband and I started missing mortgage payments because we simply did not have the money, I knew that we were going to lose our home if we did not do something. I went online and looked up foreclosures in NYC to see if there were any programs that could help us, but I was not able to find anything that would get us back on our feet.

I did find a company that specializes in helping people like us though. Looking through their website was a real education on the sad reality of losing a home. I still had some fight left in me though, and I decided to contact them to see if there was anything that they could help us with. That phone call changed everything for us. We were pretty much left with no hope before the call, but it was somewhat restored when I found out that we did have some options. (Read on …)

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