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Thinking About Buying a Dress Online?

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin at 9:30 pm on Sunday, December 22, 2013

I needed a long evening dress in a little more than a week. I could not find anything locally that I thought was suitable for the occasion. However, I did find the perfect dress online at What worried me was that I needed it so soon. I saw that they could have a dress made and sent out in 3 to 8 days. I figured I would give it a try, especially since the dress was perfect.

It is all about giving the right measurements. Follow the instructions to get the measurements right. I know how us women are when it comes to measurements. Well, when it comes to getting your dress to fit right, you have to be forthright in exactness. (Read on …)

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I Like My New Stylist

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin at 9:30 pm on Sunday, December 22, 2013

I am very loyal to those I do business with, so it is no surprise that I was with my hairdresser for nearly 20 years. When she fell ill, I knew that I was going to have to find a new salon to go to because of her unexpected retirement. I sent her a card, but I didn’t feel comfortable asking her for recommendations when she was facing such a serious illness. Instead, I did an online search for hairdresser in Bristol. I wasn’t excited about having to find a new stylist, because I really do not like change at all.

I found a salon that is not that far from me. I decided to just go ahead and make an appointment because I figured I could cancel it on the spot if I was not comfortable with them. From the moment I walked in, I knew I had made the right choice. The atmosphere was very calming, and the stylists and customers alike were all very nice. When it was my turn to have my hair styled, I felt so relaxed because of the way the shampoo girl massaged my scalp. (Read on …)

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